Figure Name: Dr. McCoy (9" figure as seen in "Mirror, Mirror")
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Mirror McCoy was released as a KB exclsuive in the Warp Factor Series style box. (Sorry, don't have a carded pic on this one)

The Rundown: Playmates did alot of different versions of the main crew as exclusives. It's a cheap way of getting the most out of head sculpt. The Mirror Universe crew is a great example of this; take the classic crew figures, throw some new uniforms on them...Bam, mirror crew! KB got the set, which includes the good doctor here-

The head sculpt is pretty good for the 9" line. It's recognizable as McCoy, but not perfect. The 9" line head sculpts are limited by the material used on the heads. The clothes are also in the good, but not great category. The outfit is well done and fits well, but there's a couple of nitpicks. First, they just painted the symbols onto the shirt instead of doing them as little prints (like the delta shields on the classic crew uniforms). They look sloppy and are almost unrecognizable as to what they are supposed to represent.
Second? The boots-

The Mirror Universe boots are thigh-high. The only way Playmates could get around that was by making the upper part of the boots out of a black vinyl-like material and making them part of the pants. It doesn't look that great, but at least they didn't just ignore the thigh-high boots and just make them standard boots. I can kinda forgive that since there aren't alot of ways to make the boots work.

Accessories: Mirror McCoy comes with an agonizer, a dagger, and a phaser. The phaser is a bit too big, but the other accessories look nice.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh since I love "Mirror, Mirror" so much. This is the 9" line so you have to judge each figure against the standards the line set for itself. So if you dig the 9 inchers, you'll probably like this one despite it's flaws. I wouldn't recommend him as your first venture into the 9" line though...
And in case you want to read the short snippet from his box-

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