Figure Name: Executive Officer Chekov
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

Chekov was released carded as part of Diamond Select's Comic-con Exclusive Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan assortment.

The Rundown: Diamond released a large portion of the main cast from Star Trek II as comic-con exclusives. While they aren't as easy to come by as some of their other releases, the figures are definitely worth seeking out! Chekov here is a good example of what you can expect from them...

The sculpting on the uniform is REALLY nice and pretty screen accurate! The bodies were sculpted with an eye towards reuse for other TWOK characters....but I'm totally cool with that since they changed little details to make each one unique. Plus, do you really need totally different bodies on these? No, not really...

I really, really like this head sculpt! Looks dead on Chekov to me! Plus, Diamond could totally reuse this for a TMP version of the character since the sculpt could pass for that too.

As usual, no compaints on DST's articulation. What's there works well but doesn't check you out on the sculpt.
DST's TWOK line is one that's definitely worth getting into if you haven't already! You get the main cast plus a few extras...something that can't be said about some of the other Treks that AA/ DST have handled (grumble grumble).

Accessories: Chekov comes with a good selection of stuff! 2 extra hands, a communicator, a wrist communicator, a phaser....and a Ceti Eel! Put some creatures in his ear!
Cool action figure, I also have some on my site at http://www.star-trek-toys.co.uk/star-trek-action-figures
I got this exact figure, new and in packaging, but for some reason mine didn't come with a communicator. I thought that was the way it was supposed to come, but yours had one? My Captain Spock figure came with one...