Figure Name: Khan
Manufacturer: Art Asylum Toys

Khan was released carded as part of the first wave of Art Asylum's Classic Star Trek figures.

The Rundown: Well, it took around 40 years to get a Khan figure based on his appearance from "Space Seed", but in this case, it was worth the wait-

I'd be hesitant to call any figure perfect, but if I did, Khan would fit the bill. This is really one of the best Trek figures ever made. The body sculpt is fantastic and really captures the tall, powerful build of Khan. Plus, no rubber shirt! That's quite a relief. Holding this figure in my hands makes me really wish the rest of the Art Asylum TOS stuff was made the same way.

Without a doubt, that head sculpt is some of AA's finest work. It perfectly captures a young Ricardo Montalban. Pretty much all of AA's heads are really good, but this one is great.

The articulation is also fantastic. He has just enough points to strike some really cool poses, but not so much that it breaks up the great body sculpt. If you don't own this figure, go buy it. Like right now. It's the quintessential classic Khan figure.

Accessories: Sure, he only comes with a phaser, but it's not like he even needs that. I mean, c'mon, the guy has five times your strength!
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