Figure Name: Mr. Scott (Scottie)
Manufacturer: Mego Toys Corp.

Mr. Scott was released carded as part of Mego's first assortment of 8" Star Trek figures.

The Rundown: While Mego did some pretty crazy stuff with their 8" Trek aliens, the crew figures were top notch! The clothing was accurate, the head sculpts were solid, and the accessories were very well done! Scotty (or as Mego spells it "Scottie") here shows how much care went into the crew figures-

Let's start with the head; while it's not as good as some of the other crew member heads, it's still pretty good. Like the Klingon figure I reviewed before, I kinda feel Mego based the sculpt more on the animated version of the character as opposed to the live action version. See?

That looks much closer, at least to me. Either way, you stick him with the rest of the crew and there's no doubt that he's Scotty.

As far as the rest of the figure is concerned, I don't have many complaints. It's the well-articluated standard mego body with a nicely made outfit. It was a great figure back in it's day, and it's still a great figure now (as evidenced by the popularity of the rereleases).

Accessories: Mr. Scott comes with a black belt, a bluse phaser, and a blue communicator....just the stuff he needs to give her all she's got....

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