Figure Name: Pavel A. Chekov
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Chekov was released carded as part of the Playmates Star Trek Generations line.

The Rundown: Hey! Another Chekov in his movie uniform! Playmates never released a full line of the crew in their Star Trek II-VI movie uniforms, but they did manage to squeeze a few into the Star Trek Generations line! We got Kirk, Chekov, and Scotty. The Chekov and Scotty were pretty hard to find (I never saw them in stores and both the ones I have came from the secondary market). Today we'll take a look at Chekov-

The sculpting on the body is nice, and it's at least different than the one used for Kirk. The paint detailing is good and clean. The only spot where the figure kinda fails is in the articulation.

At the time this figure was made, Playmates was pulling back on the articulation a bit, so Chekov here only has 5 points. The neck and shoulder joints work well for what they are (a simple swivel), but the hip joints are severely hindered by the lower part of the shirt. So he's not going to be pulling off many poses. Still, it's a good sculpt overall and great for making customs of the rest of the crew in this style uniform.

I really feel the head sculpt is awesome! I don't think it's a good representation of Chekov at the age he is in Generations, but it's perfect for Star Trek II (or as a head for a custom TMP style Chekov)!

Accessories: Here's where the good ends. Playmates REALLY cheaped out when it came to the accessories. He has a display stand (not pictured), a phaser, a communicator, and a Tricorder. Not bad, huh?....except they are all "Original Series" style! They are totally out of place with the figure! They could have at least used the phaser mold from the Classic Movie Series figures!
Still, despite it's flaws, I love the figure. I really wish Playmates had finished out the crew...but at least customs are pretty easy to do.
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