Figure Name: Lazarus
Made by customizer Matthew Hackley

The Rundowm- "The Alternative Factor" is one of those Trek episodes that allot of fans seem to really dislike. Admittedly, I wasn't a huge fan of it growing up, but I've come to appreciate it more over time. The episode was originally supposed to feature John Drew Barrymore as Lazarus. Barrymore was contracted and a specially designed and fitted wardrobe was constructed for him. The day of filming comes...and Barrymore just doesn't show up. He bailed on his contract and left the episode in a real bind. The role had to be quickly recast and the costume had to be totally scrapped and an inexpensive costume had to be quickly thrown together. Oh, and the episode had it's budget severely hampered due to lost filming time caused by Barrymore's absence. So this one had a whole lotta probelms going into it.... Knowing all that, I'm able to cut it a bit of slack... Anyways, onto the figure!

Matt did a heckuva job capturing the crazed look of Lazarus' face. He really nailed the sleep deprived look of his eyes and his crazy wild goatee. But the outfit is what really sells this one. Here's what Lazarus looked like in the show:

Now check out all the details Matt picked up on-

Lazarus had some crazy weird pirate sleeve things going on and some odd knee points to match. Plus there's black speckles all over his outfit that I never really picked up on when watching the show. Really nice work!
So here he is...Playmates style Lazarus!

That is one GREAT custom, and one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite episodes!
ReplyDeletePaint-speckles on the outfit are really well done!
If this was in the real line, they could have done a variant with the plaster on his forehead, so we could have the alternate-universe Lazarus. That would've been cool to display.