Figure Name: Doctor McCoy
Manufacturer: Art Asylum Toys

Bones was released as part of Art Asylum's first wave of Classic Star Trek figures....

...and as part of an Avon exclusive 3-pack with Kirk and Spock.

The Rundown: What's a classic crew without the irrascible Dr. McCoy? Art Asylum must have been asking themselves the same question, since Bones was included in their very first wave of Classic Trek figures. Like most of the figures in that wave, this Doc is pretty great-

McCoy has the same kind of body construction seen in most of the AA TOS releases. He's got plenty of joints, but not so many that it detracts from the sculpt. There's a hidden torso joint inside the shirt there too. AA used a rubber overshirt to conceal that joint. As I've said before, the shirt may not last forever, but for now it looks good (except for the symbol...more on that later).

The head sculpt is PHENOMENAL. I really feel like this head is some of AA's finest work. The detail and character captured in that sculpt is just fantastic.

So this figure really is a wonderful representation of McCoy, and something no AA Trek collection is complete without...but this may not be the version you should hunt down. I've noticed that the gold paint used on the sleeve ranking and the insignia on the chest have started to turn a greenish color over time. It's not horrendous yet, but with 2 rereleases out now with better paint jobs, you may want to grab one of those and pass on this original version. There's aome other slight improvements to the rereleases as well, but I'll get more into those when I spotlight them.

Accessories: McCoy comes with a tricorder, phaser, and an extra right hand. I wish he had an extra left hand, since the one he has is stuck in a 'pinching' postion and can't hold anything...but oh well. The Avon version only comes with a Tricorder.
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