Figure Name: Dr. Leonard McCoy
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

Diamond Select released this reissue of the original AA Dr. McCoy as a single carded figure or...

...as a part of a 2-pack with a reissue Sulu.

The Rundown: I figured since we looked at the original AA release of McCoy yesterday, we may as well take a look at the 2 currently-offered reissues today to check out the differences. Both the new 2-pack and single card reissue McCoys are pretty much identical, so I'm just combining them into this one spotlight. Let's take a look at the changes made on this one:

The sculpt on the head is the same here, but there is a slightly tweaked paint job. The skin tone is a bit lighter and the hair is just a shade darker. The eyes on this new release are looking more straight forward as well, as opposed to the slight "looking up" position of the original.

The boots on the reissue contrast with the pants more than the original release did. The pants have a more flat look and the boots have more of a gloss look than the original. Big improvement!

For some reason, the ankles on the reissue seem a bit wonky. Both my 2-pack and single card version have a slight curve at the ankle that isn't nearly as pronounced on the original. Kinda odd, but not a huge deal.

The biggest improvements are on the shirt. The shade of blue they use on the reissue is nicer in my opinion, but the really nice change is in the gold paint apps. The insignia is much cleaner and brighter, and the rank braids at the sleeve look fantastic. Not sure if this gold will turn greenish eventually like the original, but if I were to guess I'd say there's less of a chance with this release. It just seems like a higher grade of paint.
One minor complaint on the shirt is the little indentation from the twist tie that won't go away! DST: Get rid of the twist ties or make them looser, but do something to stop this!

Accessories: Pictured above is what you get with single-carded release- a pair of hands (including an interchangeable left hand that the original lacked), a phaser, a communicator, and a tricorder...

...and that's what you get with the 2-pack version! McCoy comes with a tricorder and a communicator. There's also a gray-handled phaser in the pack that I included in the pic, but I'd say it's meant to be Sulu's...but I guess it's your choice who you want to give it to.
So if you never got the AA figure, grab this guy up! I'd say the 2-pack is the way to go, since you get Sulu too and he's in the new shirt color to match reissue Kirk. If you already have the AA version, it's probably still worth getting based on the upgrades. The only problem is that it opens the door to you replacing all your figures with these updated versions...and without a Chekov (and Kirk only available in an ill-fitting shirt), that's a tough choice to make...
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