Figure Name: Lt. Marlena Moreau
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys
Lt. Moreau was released by Playmates as a KB exclusive in a Warp Factor Style box. (sorry, no boxed pic available)

The Rundown: Another 9" Mirror figure coming at ya! Here is Playmates only try at the character Lt. Marlena Moreau from "Mirror, Mirror". How'd she turn out?

The head sculpt is actually pretty darned good for a 9 incher. The face is pretty close to Moreau, though the skintone is a bit off. The hair is kinda wonky too. It's a sepearate piece from the head and doesn't looks quite right.

The body sculpt is your standard Playmates 9" female body. Not too shabby, but not fantastic. It hink her outfit is pretty well done though, except that pesky insignia again. It's painted on here, just like the other Mirror figures, and is kinda sloppy and cheap looking.

And here we go with the plasticy leggings again. I think they look better on the female figures than the males at least. And there really wasn't any alternative to doing it this way at the price.

Accessories: Moreau came with a display stand (not pictured), a phaser, a dagger (which she can't really hold well), and an agonizer (also can't hold this well).
So it's our only Moreau from Playmates...and while it's okay, it's a shame we never got her in the 4 inch line. The 9" line is really an acquired taste and it would have been nice to have her in the more popular 4" scale. At least we got one from Art Asylum eventually...
Oh...and her box bio-

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