Figure Name: Chief Enginner Montgomery Scott (Scotty)
Manufacturer: Sci-Fi Metropolis (Unproduced)

The Rundown: Another of the initial 8 figures prototyped by Sci-Fi Metropolis: Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott! Scotty here would have been an early figure in the line... that will sadly probably never see the light of day. This figure would have rocked!

The headsculpt is really one of my favorites of the original batch of 8. I think it really captures the Season 1 & 2 look of the character quite well (Scotty had a more close-cropped haircut in the 3rd season). My only gripe is that the hair is too brown. I always thing of Scott's hair as black. The brown they used on this proto just looks way too light to me. Not sure how that would have turned out in the prodcution piece though.

The body is the same as the other unproduced Sci-Fi Metropolis figures we've looked at before. It's well articulated, and has a really keen height-changing feature to allow you to make taller characters look a bit bigger without having to make a new body mold.

And again, we have the fuzzy shirt. I find it much less noticeable on the red than with the yellow and blue. We have no idea, of course, how these would have looked on the prodcution figures...but at least SFM was trying to capture the material from the early uniforms. It's efforts like that which are sorely lacking from allot of the current product out there.

Accessories: Scotty would have probably come with your usual starfleet gear (phaser, communicator, tricorder) but none of those made it to this stage, so as of now this one just has his extra hands.
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