Figure Name: Khan
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

DST released Khan as part of it's first assortment of "Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan" figures.

The Rundown: "Buried alive.....buried alive...." Khan is the greatest Star Trek villain of all time and I would buy just about any figure DST would release of him. This Khan from the first TWOK wave features him in perhaps his most iconic look.

Khan features the standard articulation of the DST Trek figures. All the points work pretty well and you can get a ton of great poses out of him. The hips are a bit close together for my liking, but that's a minor nitpick.

The sculpt is outstanding, capturing all the little details of Khan's costuming. These costumes were made to look as if Khan and his crew cannibalized any parts they could from the Botany Bay to clothe themselves with; I really get the feel of that with the sculpt on this figure. Plus, there's a nice dirty paint wash over the whole thing. Great job DST!

Khan's head sculpt is really amazing. It perfectly captures the older genetically engineered tyrant. I feel it is one of their best heads since... well, the TOS Wave 1 Khan from "Space Seed". Maybe it's just something about Montalban's likeness...

Accessories: Khan comes with an interchangeable hand, an adult Ceti Alpha eel, a bowl of baby eels, and a big pair of tweezers to pick 'em up with.

TWOK Khan is a fantastic figure; one no Trek figure fan should be without. If you don't have him, go get him. Now. He's pretty cheap now so there's no excuse...
The only thing that bugged me about this otherwise outstanding figure is the very obvious change in tone from his face to his chest.