Figure Name: Captain James T. Kirk ("Where No Man Has Gone Before")
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

DST released this Kirk as a Canada Fan Expo 2006 carded exclusive.

The Rundown: This spotlight has been a LONG time coming. Since this figure's release in 2006, I've only managed to pick up 1, which I left carded. He pops up for sale every once in a blue moon, but he usually hits a pretty high price (especially for me since I'd be buying him just to open). Well, I finally managed to snag a second one for a decent price so that I could open him and spotlight him!

The figure is basically the same as the WNMHGB Kirk that came with the command chair, with one major difference: the shirt color. The chair version features a nice, dark gold color that's pretty close to the show. This single carded version features a totally inaccurate bright yellow version of the shirt. I have no idea why they chose to do that. Wouldn't just throwing the chair version on a single card have been enough to differentiate him as the exclusive? Why make the figure inaccurate? The only plus I see in the shirt color is using your imagination and calling this a cadet Kirk or something (since he does look really young in this version for some reason).

Like I said, everything else is pretty much the same as the chair version, so you're looking at your standard AA sculpt and articulation.

The head is the same AA Kirk sculpt used on all of their TOS Kirks. It is painted nicely here though, and looks pretty sharp. Can't say the same about the symbol on the shirt though. That looks like a 3 year old painted it.

Accessories: Kirk includes a phaser, a tricorder, and a communicator.

This is easily one of the hardest to find figures in the AA/ DST Classic Trek line...but it's sadly not really worth the hunt. The version that comes with the chair is far more accurate and costs a fraction of the cost of this one (plus you get a chair). The only folks who need this version are the crazy "gotta have 'em all's" like me...
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