Figure Name: Mirror Uhura
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

DST released this Uhura as part of it's Comic-Con 2006 Exclusive "Mirror, Mirror" wave of figures. Uhura was the Previews Exclusive figure of the set. She was also available later on as a signed diamondselecttoys.com exclusive (sorry, no pic of that one...but just imagine this one with a Nichelle Nichols autograph under the bubble).

The Rundown: I've been on a bit of a "Mirror, Mirror" kick lately in case you hadn't noticed. Today we take a look at another figure from the 2006 Comic-Con Mirror Wave- Uhura! She (thankfully) features much more new tooling than the male crew members...

Unlike most of the guys, Uhura's outfit was drastically different in "Mirror, Mirror", so simple parts reuse wouldn't have worked with Uhura. Sure, she was able to share most of her new tooling with Marlena, but since that figure was basically just a bonus anyway, Uhura here probably had much more cost built into her than the other figures from the wave. I'm really happy that the extra tooling cost didn't prevent Uhura from happening altogether. It would have stunk to have a mirror universe crew sans Uhura...

The only part on Uhura that remains pretty much the same from the original AA figure is the head. I liked it on the original figure, and I still like it now. It's a decent Nichelle Nichols likeness, so no complaints here on the reuse.

And just like Uhura's original figure, the only portion to get the rubberized material treatment is the skirt. It looks nice and keeps the hip joints free so they can move easily, but the gold paint is starting to show a bit of wear on mine and again I fear for the material's longevity.

Uhura features your standard AA articulation, adapted a bit to fit the female form. There's no mid-torso joint nor is there a mid-calf joint, but everything else is just about the same as the male crew members.

Accessories: Uhura includes a phaser and communicator, which she can't hold all that well. Not really sure why they didn't throw the dagger in there, since the scene where she uses it to defend herself from Sulu is pretty memorable.

Uhura is a fine addition to your Mirror crew. She was still available through Previews magazine months after the show was over, but has since sold out. You can still get her for around original retail on ebay though and is well worth that price. So go get one... you need to have somebody to slap your Mirror Sulu figure around...
Would the phaser fit on mego dolls ?
ReplyDeleteshe's so sexy
ReplyDeleteI bought this figure of Amazon and I payed 15 dollars. But, it turned out to be a signed one! Awesome day. But really, why didn't they include a knife!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe same happened to me, bought it off of Amazon for 17.00, and it turned out to be signed (10 of 500)