Figure Name: Lt. Saavik
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Playmates released Saavik as part of the "Classic Star Trek Movie Series".

The Rundown: I am running way behind today after taking the day off with my sick son yesterday, so I decided to choose something quick and easy for today's spotlight. The really good items are usually the easiest things to write about, so today I picked Lt. Saavik from the Classic Star Trek Movie Series.

Playmates went with the more iconic Kirstie Alley Saavik as opposed to the Robin Curtis Saavik. No offense to Robin Curtis (who did a fine job), but if we could only get 1 Saavik from Playmates I'm glad it's a Star Trek II Alley version.

Say what you will about Playmates' figure proportions, but I think this Saavik is one of their finest figure sculpts. The outfit looks fantastic, the arms and legs look just about the right length, and the figure can still move fairly well. An all-around great effort!

It's the head sculpt that really shines on this one! I actually think this head is better than DST version. Seriously, one of the best likenesses in the Playmates line.

The figure doesn't have a ton of paint apps, but what's here is nicely done. I didn't notice any crazy smudges or anything on mine and all the lines were nice and clean. You know, now that I think about it, I can't really think of many "quality control" issues that I've had with the old Playmates stuff. Shame you can't say that about much of today's product (*ahem* DC Universe Classics...).

Accessories: Saavik includes a display stand (not pictured), a phaser, a communicator, a duffel bag, and a tricorder.

And there's her box bio for ya!

I can't think of a reason for you NOT to buy this one. You can get her dirt cheap, and she still stands as my favorite plastic interpretation of the character. Playmates at it's finest!
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