Figure Name: Spock
Manufacturer: Sideshow Collectibles

Sideshow produced this Spock in 2005 (I think) at a limited edition of only 1000 pieces.

The Rundown: Spock is the companion piece to the Sideshow Premium Format Kirk we looked at the other day. He's made in the same style as Kirk, with a mix of different types of media (cloth, polystone, etc.) in a 1/4 scale. Spock fares a bit better than Kirk overall.

Spock's head is a bit nicer than Kirk's, though to be fair Nimoy has always seemed easier to capture than Shatner. The likeness isn't perfect, but it's still pretty decent. I think the eyebrows may be whats throwing it off. They look a little too 'angry'.

The other nitpick on the head is the hair. There's an odd hair ridge on the sides of the head that makes it bump out from the face. It's kinda tough to make it out in the pics, but it's pretty noticeable in person. On top of that, they added an extra line of black paint to simulate the hair coming farther onto the face. It produces an odd look to the hair that I could have done without. The ears look good though...

The outfit quality is just as nice here as it is on the Kirk. The rank braiding and sciences logo are really nicely done. Unfortunately, it has the same odd fit around the neck that Kirk has.

Since Kirk is the 'action guy', he came with a phaser in hand. Spock (being the logical science officer that he is) comes with tricorder in hand. The tricorder is very nicely done! It's well sculpted with a leather strap that comes up around the torso. Plus...

...the top flips up and upper panel opens! Nice!

Just like Kirk, Spock comes with a polystone base with his name printed on front. Spock plugs into it with 2 posts that protrude from the bottom of his feet.

The bottom of the base lists his edition number and the sculptor's name. In this case, Oluf Hartvigson handled the sculpting duties.

There's the box bio if you're interested...

So there ya go... both the Sideshow Star Trek Premium Formats. Do I wish they were better? Yeah, but I still like them. If you can get them at the right price, they still make nice large display pieces. I wouldn't pay over original retail for them though...
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