Figure Name: Mirror Universe Captain Kirk
Made by customizer Matthew Hackley

The Rundown: So I got a package Friday... containing the next batch of custom goodness from Matt Hackley! I've been pretty anxious to showcase another entry in the "What if Playmates had kept the license?" line so opening that box was quite a treat! First up from this new batch: Captain Kirk from "Mirror, Mirror"!

This is a figure I've wanted for a LONG time. As you all should know by now, I'm a big "Mirror, Mirror" fan. The fact that we only got 1 Playmates 4.5" Mirror figure in the original line (which wasn't very good) still frustrates me. Mirror Kirk was planned and shown for the "Ultra Trek" line, but it sadly never saw the light of day (you can see pics of it here at the New Force Comics Reference site...which is in the midst of insanely awesome overhaul). So yeah... Playmates "Mirror, Mirror" 4.5" figures are a dream line for me.

Matt really packed in the deatil on this one. The chest sculpt features all the little trinkets essential to a captain's garb. Kirk's shoulder "frills" are also present here, as well as his snazzy gold sash.

Really not sure how he achieved the metallic look to the shirt. I doubt Playmates would have poured this kind of detail into him back in the day, but it's neat to see what a Playmates Mirror Kirk MIGHT have looked like...

TALL BOOTS! I can't stress this enough: Mirror Universe figures MUST HAVE TALL BOOTS. It was a detail glaringly missing on Playmates' Mirror Spock figure that (thankfully) Matt included here. Oh, speaking of that Mirror Spock-

Matt threw in a little bonus! After reading my review of Mirror Spock (which you can read here if you missed it), Matt went back and made the changes I'd mentioned on that figure to make him fit a little better with the custom Mirror crew!

Gone is the somewhat cruddy head of the original Mirror Spock! In it's place is the superior "regular" Playmates Spock head....with a new evil goatee!

And Spock threw out those little standard boots for a pair of evil tall ones!

Just a couple of changes, and the figure becomes WAY cooler! So my original gets kicked to the curb for this new version. If you're feeling industrious, you should try and make these changes yourself. It really does improve the figure.

So there ya go... Playmates-style Mirror Kirk! Matt and I have plans for the whole crew, which I then want to stick into the Classic Crew boxed set! How cool would that have been as like a 1 in 4 variant or something? Are you listening Playmates?
Those are great looking, quite the improvement on Spock, and Kirk looks like production quality from the photos.
ReplyDeleteIf you do the whole crew and put them in that box, you should change the style of the box to reflect the Mirror Universe. That would make it even cooler.
ReplyDeleteAwesome and congratulations to your dress maker (oops, stolen line from Spock). ;-)
ReplyDeleteWoah, I love these! Great improvement on Mirror Spock and Mirror Kirk is downright amazing.