Figure Name: Captain James T. Kirk (Mirror Universe)
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

DST released this Kirk in their new "universal branding" Star Trek packaging.

The Rundown: As you can probably guess by now, I found a few more of the new figures on Sunday! Another of my local TRU's had 2 Spocks and 1 Kirk left when I got there. I guess that means the case pack is 3 Spocks, 2 Kirks, 1 Kang. Yeah, that's smart. Why not 2 of each!?!?
Anyways, since they had another Kirk, I snagged it to open since my first carded one had a funky spot on the shirt. Bad news though- this one has it too so it's probably a running thing.

Just like Spock, this Kirk is basically the same figure as his original except the spiffy new paint job. Instead of repeating what I wrote in the original review (which you can readhere), I'll just focus on what's new about this version.

Just like all of the other DST Kirk reissues, Mirror Kirk features a much pinker skin tone over the original's slightly yellowish hue. I personally prefer this paint over the original. The AA version almost looks like a zombie by comparison.

The original AA Kirk had a painted gold shirt which looked good, but suffered from paint wear pretty easily. The shirt also looked a bit light which caused the sash to kinda blend into it. DST's reissue features a shirt molded in a sparkly gold material with the sash and adornments painted on. The color change is nice, and I like the fact that it's actually molded in the color instead of painted.
Oh, and it's a small change, but there's more of a color differential now between the black of the pants and the boots. That slight tweak helps the boots pop a little more on the reissue.

Okay, 2 gripes- First, there's the aforementioned material defect on the upper right chest area of the shirt. Not a huge deal, but it does look a little funky. My second gripe is about the gold on the sash. I'm already noticing cracks in the paint and I'm sure the paint job won't withstand much movement of the shirt.

Oh yeah, one more thing! Unlike the original release, Kirk now includes interchangeable salute hands! Kirk is a bit too barrel chested to fully pull off the move, which is probably why AA left them out in the first place, but it is nice that they were included.

Accessories: Kirk includes the hands, a phaser, a communicator, and his mirror dagger with sheath.

Unlike the reissue Spock, Kirk is one I recommend as an upgrade to your original AA figure. The skin tone is much nicer, and the shirt looks better than the original release. Keep an eye on that mold imperfection though, and be careful around the paint on the sash!
Nice review, and I agree that the reissued MM Kirk has the better paint job. Hope you find Kang soon!
ReplyDeleteGot a Kang today! He'll be up tomorrow!
ReplyDeletePaint job so much better. I wish I had picked this up, instead I collected Playmates 6-Inch Star Trek 2009 Action figures. Bummer......
ReplyDeleteHey, how do you attach the sheath to them? I've tried it, but it doesn't work. Is there some thing I'm missing here?