Awww... People like me! My friend (and fellow Spock fan) Chunky B over at eclectorama was nice enough to present my little page with one of these nifty "One Lovely Blog" awards! Thanks buddy! I really appreciate that!
In turn, I am supposed to choose a few blogs that I feel are also deserving of the award to pass it along to. Stealing Chunky B's allotment of 7, here are my picks. Oh, and please know that if you are on my reading list and didn't make the cut, that doesn't mean I love your blog any less! I love all the blogs I read and I'd give the award to all of you if I could!
eclectorama- Chunky B's site is the cat's pajamas! Swing over and check out the plethora of toy goodness... and Spock-cation! (which I want in on!)
My star Trek Scrapbook- Frederick's page is literally a HUGE online Star Trek scrapbook. How he managed to keep track of all these articles over the years amazes me. You can spend hours on this site just reading all the great stuff he's saved.
A Year of Toys- Head over to this blog and followed the daily thrills of a year in the life of a toy collector!
The Nostalgia Factory- I grew up in the 80's, so the Nostalgic G's page is like a trip through my childhood. And...
Nostalgia Factory Presents: Trek Nostalgia ...here's the Trek-centric Nostalgia page!
My Life in the Shadow of the Twilight Zone- I know far less about Twilight Zone than I really should as a Sci-Fi fan, so thankfully Craig Beam's site is helping me take a crash course in TZ-ology...
A Thousand Words- Okay, so it's playing favorites, but I couldn't mention my fav blogs without including my wife's photography blog. It's got a ton of great pics of my kids, and my wife's skills behind the lens really astound me. Great job honey!
Thanks for putting forth such great blogs guys and gals! And thanks to Chunky B for the award!
Thanks for throwing the award back my way! Cool, now I have to give it to some more people.