Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Star Trek 'Potpourri' Spotlight-
Starfleet Hip Flask
Item Name: Star Trek Stainless Steel Starfleet Hip Flask
Manufacturer: Vandor
Vandor released the Starfleet flask and stylish black linen display box in 2010.
The Rundown: Browsing through Previews magazine can be a costly endeavor for me. I always wind up finding oddball Trek stuff in the "Miscellaneous" section that I simply can't live without... like this flask here. Why did I order this!? I don't even drink alcohol!
I have never owned a flask before, so I can't say how different this is from a standard flask. The body features a slightly curved design (I guess to make it more comfortable when traveling with your booze pressing against your chest). The flask measures at a little under 4" X 5", making it the perfect size for an inner jacket pocket.
The flask's lid screws off and stays attached to the body via a latched lid. I haven't filled this up with anything yet, but I would imagine it would be a little tough to get you Saurian Brandy in there without incredibly steady hands or a little funnel action.
Of course, since this is a Star Trek flask the front features the command logo emblazoned across it. The logo isn't just printed onto the steel, it is actually embossed into it. The embossing work here is nice and comes off looking pretty sharp!
At $20, I can't say I'd go out of my way to recommend this to you. I'm weird, so I bought it... but other than completists like me, I can only see this appealing to Trekkies who already carry a flask and are looking for a neat replacement. After all, you gotta store your Romulan Ale somewhere...
Maybe this is a replica of the one McCoy uses in ST '09! Starfleet Standard Issue.