Figure Name: Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (as seen in "Star Trek IV")
Made by customizer Matthew Hackley

The Rundown: Another entry in the ongoing "What if Playmates had kept the Trek license?" series of customs from Mathhew Hackley! This time around, instead of a character or look from the original series, we went with the movies for inspiration. I would have LOVED to see Playmates continue the "Classic Star Trek" line to include the main crew's look in each of the films- Thus why we are looking at Scotty in his attire featured in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" this time around!

At first glance you might be asking yourself "hey self... why is he calling this a custom from "Voyage Home" when Scotty wore the same outfit in "Search For Spock?". Well, in actuality, Scotty's uniform is a bit different in TSFS. Here's a shot from Star Trek III-

...and here's Mr. Scott in Star Trek IV-

Notice anything different? I mean anything besides the fact that he apparently got a lot happier in Star Trek IV...

Though Scotty carried the rank of "Captain of Engineering" in Star Trek III, he still wore the yellow undershirt of the operations division. It wasn't until we caught up with him again in Star Trek IV that Scotty started sporting the white undershirt of the command division. Not really sure where he found this shirt in his size on Vulcan during the crew's exile there though...

And since this figure recreates Scotty's garb from his escapades in 1980's San Francisco, it wouldn't do for him to be showing his rank insignia and delta shield, so Matt left those off when it came time to work him up. A fine attention to detail that Playmates might not have remembered to do back then.

While Playmates did give us a couple decent stand-ins for movie era Scotty in the form of Generations Scott and the TNG Captain Scott, I've always preferred the jacketed look. I have no doubt that had Playmates kept the license and continued the "Classic Star Trek" movie line, we would have seen the crew in their TVH looks eventually, since Star Trek IV is easily one of the most popular of the Trek films. Alas, we will never know... but thanks to Matt Hackley we can at least get a glimpse at what might have been!

Where did the the "Voyage Home" Kirk come from?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see a more detailed shot of that Kirk, too. Matt Hackley makes wonderful customs. His work has inspired me to start customizing the 4.5" figures myself.
ReplyDeleteJames, I miss reading your (well-written and fun-to-read) posts. It's about time you made a new entry here. ;-)