Figure Name: Mr. Spock (In Dress Uniform)
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Playmates released this Spock in his Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes as part of their Starfleet Officers Collectors Set.

The Rundown: After looking at Kirk in his dress uniform the other day, the only logical choice would be to follow up with a spotlight on Spock. Since we delved into the wheres, whys, and hows of the set last time, I won't bore you with regurgitating my views on it again here. Head back to the Kirk spotlight if you want to read all that again... but for now, let's look at Spock!

Just like Kirk, Spock features the same head used on all his TOS-era Playmates figures. You can say what you want about the Playmates bodies, but you can't really complain about their head sculpts for the most part. Their Spock head still rocks after all these years.

Playmates gave both Kirk and Spock unique chest sculpts for these releases. The attention to detail is pretty thorough here, with all of Spock's medals being individually sculpted and painted. They even made sure the gold piping was correct on these releases, with Spock lacking the gold piping that runs from his collar to his shoulders- just like it was on the show.

Unfortunately, Spock features the same open hands that we just looked at on Kirk. Again, since they don't really use any weapons while wearing these uniforms, it's not a huge deal... but it still would have been nice to have the option to display them holding their accessories.

You know what's a bit odd though? Playmates seemed to LOVE sticking Spock with a "Live Long & Prosper" hand whenever they could. Yet here is one time where the salute makes sense... but they skip it!? What's up with that? How is he going to show McCoy how to pull off the Vulcan salute now? Well, he can at least do one thing with these hands...

Spock is no Herbert. He reaches. Hey brother...

Accessories: Spock includes a standard phaser and communicator, which he can drop at his feet.

Like I said with Kirk, recommending this pack isn't as cut and dry as a single carded figure. You're going to spend around $20 or so if you want this guy, but you'll be getting the Kirk plus 4 other non-TOS figures. Is that worth it? It is for me just to get the Kirk and Spock, but your mileage may vary. You'd also get a cool display stand that you can throw your Dress McCoy on to complete the big three, but then you run into the problem of having those pesky logos from the later shows on there. Guess I'll need to buy some electrical tape and do a little cover up. I don't want anybody coming over to the house and thinking I'm a "Next-gener" or something...
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